Function multiSplit

  • Translate mafia's multi-dimensional array prefs into a multi-dimensional array

    Type Parameters

    • T extends any[]


    • prop:
          | "autoLogin"
          | "browserBookmarks"
          | "chatFontSize"
          | "combatHotkey0"
          | "combatHotkey1"
          | "combatHotkey2"
          | "combatHotkey3"
          | "combatHotkey4"
          | "combatHotkey5"
          | "combatHotkey6"
          | "combatHotkey7"
          | "combatHotkey8"
          | "combatHotkey9"
          | "commandBufferGCLI"
          | "commandBufferTabbedChat"
          | "commandLineNamespace"
          | "dailyDeedsOptions"
          | "defaultBorderColor"
          | "displayName"
          | "externalEditor"
          | "getBreakfast"
          | "headerStates"
          | "highlightList"
          | "http.proxyHost"
          | "http.proxyPassword"
          | "http.proxyPort"
          | "http.proxyUser"
          | "https.proxyHost"
          | "https.proxyPassword"
          | "https.proxyPort"
          | "https.proxyUser"
          | "initialDesktop"
          | "initialFrames"
          | "lastRelayUpdate"
          | "lastUserAgent"
          | "lastUsername"
          | "logPreferenceChangeFilter"
          | "loginScript"
          | "loginServerName"
          | "loginWindowLogo"
          | "logoutScript"
          | "pingDefaultTestPage"
          | "pingLatest"
          | "pingLoginAbort"
          | "pingLoginCheck"
          | "pingLoginFail"
          | "pingLongest"
          | "pingShortest"
          | "pingTestPage"
          | "previousNotifyList"
          | "previousUpdateVersion"
          | "saveState"
          | "saveStateActive"
          | "scriptList"
          | "swingLookAndFeel"
          | "userAgent"
          | "8BitColor"
          | "afterAdventureScript"
          | "antiScientificMethod"
          | "autoOlfact"
          | "autoPutty"
          | "autumnatonUpgrades"
          | "backupCameraMode"
          | "banishedMonsters"
          | "banishedPhyla"
          | "banishingShoutMonsters"
          | "batmanStats"
          | "batmanZone"
          | "batmanUpgrades"
          | "battleAction"
          | "beachHeadsUnlocked"
          | "beastSkillsAvailable"
          | "beastSkillsKnown"
          | "beforePVPScript"
          | "betweenBattleScript"
          | "boomBoxSong"
          | "breakfastAlways"
          | "breakfastHardcore"
          | "breakfastSoftcore"
          | "buffBotCasting"
          | "buyScript"
          | "cargoPocketsEmptied"
          | "cargoPocketScraps"
          | "chatbotScript"
          | "chatPlayerScript"
          | "chibiName"
          | "choiceAdventureScript"
          | "chosenTrip"
          | "clanFortuneReply1"
          | "clanFortuneReply2"
          | "clanFortuneReply3"
          | "clanFortuneWord1"
          | "clanFortuneWord2"
          | "clanFortuneWord3"
          | "commerceGhostItem"
          | "counterScript"
          | "copperheadClubHazard"
          | "crimbo23ArmoryControl"
          | "crimbo23BarControl"
          | "crimbo23CafeControl"
          | "crimbo23CottageControl"
          | "crimbo23FoundryControl"
          | "crimbotChassis"
          | "crimbotArm"
          | "crimbotPropulsion"
          | "crystalBallPredictions"
          | "csServicesPerformed"
          | "currentAstralTrip"
          | "currentDistillateMods"
          | "currentEasyBountyItem"
          | "currentHardBountyItem"
          | "currentHippyStore"
          | "currentJunkyardTool"
          | "currentLlamaForm"
          | "currentMood"
          | "currentPVPSeason"
          | "currentPvpVictories"
          | "currentSpecialBountyItem"
          | "currentSITSkill"
          | "customCombatScript"
          | "cyrusAdjectives"
          | "defaultFlowerLossMessage"
          | "defaultFlowerWinMessage"
          | "demonName1"
          | "demonName2"
          | "demonName3"
          | "demonName4"
          | "demonName5"
          | "demonName6"
          | "demonName7"
          | "demonName8"
          | "demonName9"
          | "demonName10"
          | "demonName11"
          | "demonName12"
          | "demonName13"
          | "dinseyGatorStenchDamage"
          | "dinseyRollercoasterStats"
          | "doctorBagQuestItem"
          | "dolphinItem"
          | "duckAreasCleared"
          | "duckAreasSelected"
          | "edPiece"
          | "enamorangMonsterTurn"
          | "ensorcelee"
          | "EVEDirections"
          | "everfullDartPerks"
          | "extraCosmeticModifiers"
          | "familiarScript"
          | "forbiddenStores"
          | "gameProBossSpecialPower"
          | "gooseReprocessed"
          | "grimoireSkillsHardcore"
          | "grimoireSkillsSoftcore"
          | "grimstoneMaskPath"
          | "guzzlrQuestClient"
          | "guzzlrQuestBooze"
          | "guzzlrQuestTier"
          | "harvestGardenHardcore"
          | "harvestGardenSoftcore"
          | "hpAutoRecoveryItems"
          | "invalidBuffMessage"
          | "jickSwordModifier"
          | "juneCleaverQueue"
          | "kingLiberatedScript"
          | "lassoTraining"
          | "lastAdventureContainer"
          | "lastAdventureTrail"
          | "lastBangPotion819"
          | "lastBangPotion820"
          | "lastBangPotion821"
          | "lastBangPotion822"
          | "lastBangPotion823"
          | "lastBangPotion824"
          | "lastBangPotion825"
          | "lastBangPotion826"
          | "lastBangPotion827"
          | "lastChanceBurn"
          | "lastChessboard"
          | "lastCombatEnvironments"
          | "lastDwarfDiceRolls"
          | "lastDwarfDigitRunes"
          | "lastDwarfEquipmentRunes"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem118"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem119"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem120"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem360"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem361"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem362"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem363"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem364"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem365"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem910"
          | "lastDwarfFactoryItem3199"
          | "lastDwarfOfficeItem3208"
          | "lastDwarfOfficeItem3209"
          | "lastDwarfOfficeItem3210"
          | "lastDwarfOfficeItem3211"
          | "lastDwarfOfficeItem3212"
          | "lastDwarfOfficeItem3213"
          | "lastDwarfOfficeItem3214"
          | "lastDwarfOreRunes"
          | "lastDwarfHopper1"
          | "lastDwarfHopper2"
          | "lastDwarfHopper3"
          | "lastDwarfHopper4"
          | "lastEncounter"
          | "lastMacroError"
          | "lastMessageId"
          | "lastPaperStrip3144"
          | "lastPaperStrip4138"
          | "lastPaperStrip4139"
          | "lastPaperStrip4140"
          | "lastPaperStrip4141"
          | "lastPaperStrip4142"
          | "lastPaperStrip4143"
          | "lastPaperStrip4144"
          | "lastPirateEphemera"
          | "lastPorkoBoard"
          | "lastPorkoPayouts"
          | "lastPorkoExpected"
          | "lastSlimeVial3885"
          | "lastSlimeVial3886"
          | "lastSlimeVial3887"
          | "lastSlimeVial3888"
          | "lastSlimeVial3889"
          | "lastSlimeVial3890"
          | "lastSlimeVial3891"
          | "lastSlimeVial3892"
          | "lastSlimeVial3893"
          | "lastSlimeVial3894"
          | "lastSlimeVial3895"
          | "lastSlimeVial3896"
          | "lastSelectedFaxbot"
          | "lastSuccessfulFaxbot"
          | "latteIngredients"
          | "latteModifier"
          | "latteUnlocks"
          | "ledCandleMode"
          | "libramSkillsHardcore"
          | "libramSkillsSoftcore"
          | "louvreOverride"
          | "lovePotion"
          | "lttQuestName"
          | "maximizerList"
          | "maximizerMRUList"
          | "mayoInMouth"
          | "mayoMinderSetting"
          | "merkinQuestPath"
          | "mimicEggMonsters"
          | "mineLayout1"
          | "mineLayout2"
          | "mineLayout3"
          | "mineLayout4"
          | "mineLayout5"
          | "mineLayout6"
          | "mpAutoRecoveryItems"
          | "muffinOnOrder"
          | "nextDistillateMods"
          | "nextQuantumFamiliarName"
          | "nextQuantumFamiliarOwner"
          | "noncombatForcers"
          | "nsChallenge2"
          | "nsChallenge3"
          | "nsChallenge4"
          | "nsChallenge5"
          | "nsTowerDoorKeysUsed"
          | "oceanAction"
          | "oceanDestination"
          | "parkaMode"
          | "pastaThrall1"
          | "pastaThrall2"
          | "pastaThrall3"
          | "pastaThrall4"
          | "pastaThrall5"
          | "pastaThrall6"
          | "pastaThrall7"
          | "pastaThrall8"
          | "peteMotorbikeTires"
          | "peteMotorbikeGasTank"
          | "peteMotorbikeHeadlight"
          | "peteMotorbikeCowling"
          | "peteMotorbikeMuffler"
          | "peteMotorbikeSeat"
          | "pieStuffing"
          | "plantingDate"
          | "plantingLength"
          | "plantingScript"
          | "plumberCostumeWorn"
          | "pokefamBoosts"
          | "postAscensionScript"
          | "preAscensionScript"
          | "questClumsinessGrove"
          | "questDoctorBag"
          | "questECoBucket"
          | "questESlAudit"
          | "questESlBacteria"
          | "questESlCheeseburger"
          | "questESlCocktail"
          | "questESlDebt"
          | "questESlFish"
          | "questESlMushStash"
          | "questESlSalt"
          | "questESlSprinkles"
          | "questESpClipper"
          | "questESpEVE"
          | "questESpFakeMedium"
          | "questESpGore"
          | "questESpJunglePun"
          | "questESpOutOfOrder"
          | "questESpSerum"
          | "questESpSmokes"
          | "questEStFishTrash"
          | "questEStGiveMeFuel"
          | "questEStNastyBears"
          | "questEStSocialJusticeI"
          | "questEStSocialJusticeII"
          | "questEStSuperLuber"
          | "questEStWorkWithFood"
          | "questEStZippityDooDah"
          | "questEUNewYou"
          | "questF01Primordial"
          | "questF02Hyboria"
          | "questF03Future"
          | "questF04Elves"
          | "questF05Clancy"
          | "questG01Meatcar"
          | "questG02Whitecastle"
          | "questG03Ego"
          | "questG04Nemesis"
          | "questG05Dark"
          | "questG06Delivery"
          | "questG07Myst"
          | "questG08Moxie"
          | "questG09Muscle"
          | "questGlacierOfJerks"
          | "questGuzzlr"
          | "questI01Scapegoat"
          | "questI02Beat"
          | "questL02Larva"
          | "questL03Rat"
          | "questL04Bat"
          | "questL05Goblin"
          | "questL06Friar"
          | "questL07Cyrptic"
          | "questL08Trapper"
          | "questL09Topping"
          | "questL10Garbage"
          | "questL11Black"
          | "questL11Business"
          | "questL11Curses"
          | "questL11Desert"
          | "questL11Doctor"
          | "questL11MacGuffin"
          | "questL11Manor"
          | "questL11Palindome"
          | "questL11Pyramid"
          | "questL11Ron"
          | "questL11Shen"
          | "questL11Spare"
          | "questL11Worship"
          | "questL12HippyFrat"
          | "questL12War"
          | "questL13Final"
          | "questL13Warehouse"
          | "questLTTQuestByWire"
          | "questM01Untinker"
          | "questM02Artist"
          | "questM03Bugbear"
          | "questM05Toot"
          | "questM06Gourd"
          | "questM07Hammer"
          | "questM08Baker"
          | "questM09Rocks"
          | "questM10Azazel"
          | "questM11Postal"
          | "questM12Pirate"
          | "questM13Escape"
          | "questM14Bounty"
          | "questM15Lol"
          | "questM16Temple"
          | "questM17Babies"
          | "questM18Swamp"
          | "questM19Hippy"
          | "questM20Necklace"
          | "questM21Dance"
          | "questM22Shirt"
          | "questM23Meatsmith"
          | "questM24Doc"
          | "questM25Armorer"
          | "questM26Oracle"
          | "questMaelstromOfLovers"
          | "questPAGhost"
          | "questRufus"
          | "questS01OldGuy"
          | "questS02Monkees"
          | "raveCombo1"
          | "raveCombo2"
          | "raveCombo3"
          | "raveCombo4"
          | "raveCombo5"
          | "raveCombo6"
          | "recoveryScript"
          | "relayCounters"
          | "retroCapeSuperhero"
          | "retroCapeWashingInstructions"
          | "royalty"
          | "rufusDesiredArtifact"
          | "rufusDesiredItems"
          | "rufusQuestTarget"
          | "rufusQuestType"
          | "scriptMRUList"
          | "seahorseName"
          | "shadowLabyrinthGoal"
          | "shadowRiftIngress"
          | "shenQuestItem"
          | "shrubGarland"
          | "shrubGifts"
          | "shrubLights"
          | "shrubTopper"
          | "sideDefeated"
          | "sidequestArenaCompleted"
          | "sidequestFarmCompleted"
          | "sidequestJunkyardCompleted"
          | "sidequestLighthouseCompleted"
          | "sidequestNunsCompleted"
          | "sidequestOrchardCompleted"
          | "skateParkStatus"
          | "snowsuit"
          | "sourceTerminalChips"
          | "sourceTerminalEducate1"
          | "sourceTerminalEducate2"
          | "sourceTerminalEnquiry"
          | "sourceTerminalEducateKnown"
          | "sourceTerminalEnhanceKnown"
          | "sourceTerminalEnquiryKnown"
          | "sourceTerminalExtrudeKnown"
          | "spadingData"
          | "spadingScript"
          | "speakeasyName"
          | "spelunkyStatus"
          | "spelunkyUpgrades"
          | "spookyravenRecipeUsed"
          | "stationaryButton1"
          | "stationaryButton2"
          | "stationaryButton3"
          | "stationaryButton4"
          | "stationaryButton5"
          | "streamCrossDefaultTarget"
          | "sweetSynthesisBlacklist"
          | "telescope1"
          | "telescope2"
          | "telescope3"
          | "telescope4"
          | "telescope5"
          | "testudinalTeachings"
          | "textColors"
          | "thanksMessage"
          | "tomeSkillsHardcore"
          | "tomeSkillsSoftcore"
          | "trackVoteMonster"
          | "trainsetConfiguration"
          | "trapperOre"
          | "umbrellaState"
          | "umdLastObtained"
          | "vintnerWineEffect"
          | "vintnerWineName"
          | "vintnerWineType"
          | "violetFogLayout"
          | "volcanoMaze1"
          | "volcanoMaze2"
          | "volcanoMaze3"
          | "volcanoMaze4"
          | "volcanoMaze5"
          | "walfordBucketItem"
          | "warProgress"
          | "watchedPreferences"
          | "wereProfessorAdvancedResearch"
          | "workteaClue"
          | "yourFavoriteBird"
          | "yourFavoriteBirdMods"
          | "youRobotCPUUpgrades"
          | "_automatedFutureSide"
          | "_bastilleBoosts"
          | "_bastilleChoice1"
          | "_bastilleChoice2"
          | "_bastilleChoice3"
          | "_bastilleCurrentStyles"
          | "_bastilleEnemyCastle"
          | "_bastilleEnemyName"
          | "_bastilleLastBattleResults"
          | "_bastilleLastEncounter"
          | "_bastilleStats"
          | "_beachHeadsUsed"
          | "_beachLayout"
          | "_beachMinutes"
          | "_birdOfTheDay"
          | "_birdOfTheDayMods"
          | "_bittycar"
          | "_campAwaySmileBuffSign"
          | "_citizenZone"
          | "_citizenZoneMods"
          | "_cloudTalkMessage"
          | "_cloudTalkSmoker"
          | "_coatOfPaintModifier"
          | "_cookbookbatQuestIngredient"
          | "_currentDartboard"
          | "_cyberZone1Defense"
          | "_cyberZone1Hacker"
          | "_cyberZone1Owner"
          | "_cyberZone2Defense"
          | "_cyberZone2Hacker"
          | "_cyberZone2Owner"
          | "_cyberZone3Defense"
          | "_cyberZone3Hacker"
          | "_cyberZone3Owner"
          | "_dailySpecial"
          | "_deckCardsSeen"
          | "_feastedFamiliars"
          | "_floristPlantsUsed"
          | "_frAreasUnlocked"
          | "_frHoursLeft"
          | "_frMonstersKilled"
          | "_futuristicCollarModifier"
          | "_futuristicHatModifier"
          | "_futuristicShirtModifier"
          | "_horsery"
          | "_horseryCrazyMox"
          | "_horseryCrazyMus"
          | "_horseryCrazyMys"
          | "_horseryCrazyName"
          | "_horseryCurrentName"
          | "_horseryDarkName"
          | "_horseryNormalName"
          | "_horseryPaleName"
          | "_jickJarAvailable"
          | "_jiggleCheesedMonsters"
          | "_lastCombatActions"
          | "_lastCombatStarted"
          | "_locketMonstersFought"
          | "_mayamSymbolsUsed"
          | "_mummeryMods"
          | "_mummeryUses"
          | "_newYouQuestSkill"
          | "_noHatModifier"
          | "_pantogramModifier"
          | "_pirateRealmCrewmate"
          | "_pirateRealmCrewmate1"
          | "_pirateRealmCrewmate2"
          | "_pirateRealmCrewmate3"
          | "_pirateRealmCurio"
          | "_pirateRealmShip"
          | "_pottedPowerPlant"
          | "_questESp"
          | "_questPartyFair"
          | "_questPartyFairProgress"
          | "_questPartyFairQuest"
          | "_questPirateRealm"
          | "_roboDrinks"
          | "_roninStoragePulls"
          | "_savageBeastMods"
          | "_spacegateAnimalLife"
          | "_spacegateCoordinates"
          | "_spacegateGear"
          | "_spacegateHazards"
          | "_spacegateIntelligentLife"
          | "_spacegatePlanetName"
          | "_spacegatePlantLife"
          | "_stolenAccordions"
          | "_tempRelayCounters"
          | "_timeSpinnerFoodAvailable"
          | "_trickOrTreatBlock"
          | "_unknownEasyBountyItem"
          | "_unknownHardBountyItem"
          | "_unknownSpecialBountyItem"
          | "_untakenEasyBountyItem"
          | "_untakenHardBountyItem"
          | "_untakenSpecialBountyItem"
          | "_userMods"
          | "_villainLairColor"
          | "_villainLairKey"
          | "_voteLocal1"
          | "_voteLocal2"
          | "_voteLocal3"
          | "_voteLocal4"
          | "_voteMonster1"
          | "_voteMonster2"
          | "_voteModifier"
          | "_VYKEACompanionType"
          | "_VYKEACompanionRune"
          | "_VYKEACompanionName"

      The name of the mafia string property to process

    • outerDelimiter: string

      The "outer" delimiter, which separates tuples from eachother

    • innerDelimiter: string

      The "inner" delimieter, which separates the elements of tuples from eachother

    • mappers: {
          [K in string | number | symbol]: ((str: string) => T[K<K>])

      An array of string => whatever mapping functions that turn this into the actual objects we want

    Returns T[]

    An array of typed tuples, based on the given inputs