Function makePants

  • Makes a pair of pants with the given modifiers


    • alignment: PantogramAlignment

      The stat you'd like your pants to improve. Moxie, Mysticality, or Muscle

    • element:
          | "Hot Resistance: 2"
          | "Cold Resistance: 2"
          | "Spooky Resistance: 2"
          | "Sleaze Resistance: 2"
          | "Stench Resistance: 2"

      The element you'd like your pants to provide resistance for

    • leftSac:
          | "Maximum HP: 40"
          | "Maximum MP: 20"
          | "HP Regen Max: 10"
          | "HP Regen Max: 15"
          | "HP Regen Max: 20"
          | "MP Regen Max: 10"
          | "MP Regen Max: 15"
          | "MP Regen Max: 20"
          | "Mana Cost: -3"

      The modifier you'd like to get from your leftmost sacrifice in Pantagramming.

    • middleSac:
          | "Combat Rate: -5"
          | "Combat Rate: 5"
          | "Critical Hit Percent: 10"
          | "Initiative: 50"
          | "Familiar Weight: 10"
          | "Candy Drop: 100"
          | "Item Drop Penalty: -10"
          | "Fishing Skill: 5"
          | "Pool Skill: 5"
          | "Avatar: Purple"
          | "Drops Items: true"

      The modifier you'd like to get from your middle sacrifice in Pantagramming.

    • rightSac:
          | "Weapon Damage: 20"
          | "Spell Damage Percent: 20"
          | "Meat Drop: 30"
          | "Meat Drop: 60"
          | "Item Drop: 15"
          | "Item Drop: 30"
          | "Muscle Experience: 3"
          | "Mysticality Experience: 3"
          | "Moxie Experience: 3"
          | "Muscle Experience Percent: 25"
          | "Mysticality Experience Percent: 25"
          | "Moxie Experience Percent: 25"

      The modifier you'd like to get from your rightmost sacrifice in Pantagramming.

    Returns boolean

    Whether or not you successfully created a pair of pants. False if you don't own the pantogram or if you already have pantogram pants.