KoL Scripting Resources

KoL Scripting Resources

Welcome to a Grand Array of Resources For Junior Associate Loathing Engineer Newbies. Also known as GARFJALEN, to true degenerates.

For those new to scripting

This is meant to be a source where folks who do not know how to code can go to learn the ropes. If you are new to scripting the Kingdom of Loathing (KOL), and would like to learn, start at our basic first-step introduction to KoL scripting.

For those who want to help

If you’d like to help with GARFJALEN, that’s fantastic! We are always looking to create a more robust set of resources for KOL scripting folks, both new and old. This repository accepts pull requests. Our general rule is that we prefer branches, but in terms of adding new content, the process is easy:

Once your branch is ready to go, submit a pull request and a LASS developer will examine and approve your request when we’re free. If you would like to talk to the developers working on this resource directly, please join the Ascension Speed Society Discord and reach out in the #mafia-and-scripting channel. We’d love to hear from you!


Huge thanks to any and all developers who have added to the massive corpus of useful KoL scripting content over the years. It would be impossible for us to cover everyone who deserves credit, but we would be remiss not to mention a few core individuals:

Thanks for reading! Make your first pull request today.

– Captain Scotch